Fachschaft Physik
Homepage of the physics students group at my university.
First I started making the Pic Of The Week some years ago, then gradually
added more and more other content, and when the university pages were updated using a new corporate design, I used the opportunity to revamp the whole thing as well.
These pages consequently use SSI and PHP/MYSQL.
Homepage of the amateur radio group at our university. I recently gave up updating these pages, but I'm pleased to see that
they still credit me for the design :-)
This is the "unofficial" homepage of the
, my favourite pub. This design wasn't used in the end, so for matters of completeness, also visit the "official" page (which was not done by me) :
Homepage of Katrin Brede
Design I made for a friend. The implementation was done in PHPCms and features a Blog and a Gallery.
Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
A corporate size website, implemented in Typo3. The migration took around 4 months from early design stages to relaunch. My focus
initially was on designing the menus, but i quickly got involved in all aspects of programming. The total pagecount at launchtime was around 1800.
To the authors knowledge, there are only 2 Max-Planck websites implemented in Typo3, this being tha larger one :-).
The Sixth International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technologies was held from the 22nd to the 25th of August 2006.
This page covered all aspects necessary in preparing and hosting the conference: abstract submission, online registration, acccounting.
Design, programming, implementation in Typo3, maintenance, customer relations, conference desk.
Joint Max-Planck-Fraunhofer Initiative on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals -CMCn, adaption and simplification of
initial MPIE (see above) layout. Server Setup and hosting.
Andrea Hermann
Business website of piano teacher Andrea Hermann. Design, implementation in phpCMS, domain holding, webhosting and maintenance.
Mecasens 2007, Conference on Stress Evaluation, will be held from September 24 to 26 2007 in Vienna. Adaption of original MPIE design (see above),
server hosting, programming of abstract submission and registration services.
AK Extrem Tuning
Alexander Keller Extrem Tuning, car tuner website. The design was made by ADB Werbung, I converted the
ideas to (more or less) valid HMTL.
Julia Eichler
Business website of flute teacher and sound engineer Julia Eichler. Design, implementation in phpCMS, domain holding, webhosting and maintenance.
Website for a young audiobook company. Design and coding.