Dandelion Project : GLIDER (1993)

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Published in:
Risszeichnungsjournal #83 (4-6 1993), page 15


The depicted glider is a combined vehicle for descent from an orbiting spaceship down to a planet and exploration of the planets surface. To accomplish this wide range of tasks, the vehicle had to be equiped with hybrid-engines that work as well outside and inside an atmosphere. The glider is assigned for one pilot and is able to carry either standard cargo containers or a duty robot, it is intended for scientific purpose and therefore not armed.


  1. atmospheric jet-engine, electromagnetic repulsion principle
  2. high energy conductor
  3. fuel tank and pump for liquid hydrogen/oxygen
  4. manouvering thruster for outer atmospheric use
  5. search lights and optical systems
  6. synchrotron for electromagnetic engine
  7. computer control for electromagnetic engine
  8. fuel tanks for 9 (hydracine)
  9. retro- and landing rockets
  10. console
  11. display box
  12. terminal for navigational computer
  13. pilots seat
  14. service hatch
  15. fuel tanks for hybrid-engine
  16. fuel-nozzle for 15
  17. turbojet engine
  18. high speed fuel pump
  19. vectorizable turbojet engine (cerosine)
  20. rocket engine (hydracine)
  21. cargo bay with duty robot
  22. fusion reactor, empowers hybrid-engine, lifesupport, cockpit and recharges
    robots energy pack
  23. Inlet for nucleus-spheres
Drawing & text : Olaf Eichler, © 1/1993
Original idea : Ralf Gerski & Thomas Heufken

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