Instant-Reboot :
Applies in rare cases of undefined errors in system modules, system crashes or hangups during standard applications. Substitutes the CTRL-ALT-DEL "clawfinger".
Instant-Reinstaller :
Applies in very rare cases of severe undefined errors in system modules, system crashes or hangups with data loss and inability of Windows 95 to reboot and sync filesystem properly. Automatizes the re-installa
tion of Windows 95. Just hold down, insert CD-ROM and release button. Windows 95 will automatically re-install.
Instant-Change-Of-Mind :
Applies in VERY unlikely cases of devastating undefined errors in system modules, perpetual system crashes or hangups with complete losses of data and/or enthusiasm of user during several weeks after installation. Completely erases, disinfe
cts, repartititions and formats your harddisk for usage with OS/2 WARP, simultaniously sending a letter of thanks to Bill Gates for his neat product.